We get bored easily so one day we bought yarn to expirement with which turned into us making these really long rope things that we would wrap around like scarves or harnesses. We then had the idea that these could be sold on etsy and we then started making these collar things out of the yarn so we then decided to actually make a store. Yay!
Here we have some pictures we were going to use for the store to advertise the products(hence the less ornate outfits)that for some reason never made it on there and Paula won't disclose the information.
Link: http://www.etsy.com/shop/intreegue
We will be adding more pictures and the collars on here as the week progresses so these aren't the finalized products
All the scarves are between 10 and 12 feet long. The pictures on the store show them more as neckalaces since it is spring and it seems more seasonally appropiate but they can be wrapped tighter to be more scarf like. They are all $15 and we're trying to figure out how to make it so that you can get two for $25.