Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Returning to the routine

I am now back in Florida. It might just be me but I feel -how to word this- umm... heavy almost for coming back to everyday's rut. But let us talk of a happier subject, todays outfit! I found this jacket thing in my closet and I kind of like it (though the colour in the picture was distorted and looks somewhat gross) it has a few round studs and such paraphenalia around the collar and until today, thought it was too bad ass for me.
What I wore: Ruffled shirt from Forever 21, shrunken jacket thing from somewhere in Germany, skirt from American Apparel, belt from Kohls, grey tights from Target, and lace tights from Payless.


Emy Augustus said...

the old fashioned ruffles are amazing! haha...
oh and about the music (if you're the one who left that comment) tell me what you think when you give listen to them. The other two i don't really care about (yet?) but I LOVE cocorosie. you should start with their last cd - the adventures of ghosthorse and stillborn. (=

Emy Augustus said...

ewww did i just write "give listen to them" ???
wow i know how to speak. haha
it's missing the 'a'.

Cate said...

Oh cool, I live in Germany :D
And don't worry, everyday's routine can be fun too!!

Anonymous said...

Great outfit! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Hey, thank you so much for checking out my blog :)
I love the composition of this outfit! Hooray for ruffles

anouk said...

i love youre style with all this vintage things!wow!
by the way, thank you for your comment..i´m new here and i still a little bit lost!:D