Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lumbricus Terestris

Sorry for the short hiatus in posting, my computer was malfunctioning but its all good now. These are some pictures we took a few weeks back that never got posted. I don't have much time now so sorry for the short post. Enjoy!

Jumping didn't really work...

Renata's wearing thriftede pants as a shirt, a dress she found from her sisters, h&m pencil skirt, and a scarf she found in her mom's closet.

I'm wearing my yellow Dr. Martens (love), DIY'd cage vest, Zara jeans, and an American Apparel circle vest as some should pad like thing.


K8 said...

Cool photo shoot!

Monica said...

I love the field for a posing place. It makes for gorgeous pictures.

erin baillie-rutter said...

oh wow, firstly these photographs are AMAZING! and secondly the clothes are killer. love both looks. and yellow docs? awesome! i've wanted a pair that's colourful for awhile now.


Love + Cake said...

FUn pics...I love the docs :)

xx. mavi

Emy Augustus said...

heyyy renata! thanks for mentioning the husband/wife designer duo. I've never heard of them cuz i know nothing at all about fashion desginers, but i checked them out on google and found some articles on them. They sound really interesting.. and i'd def want to read more about their design philosophy. I also saw a pic of their daughter somewhere and she looks so cool. Like a character from a murakami novel.
also, u guys take awesome thoughtful pics and u should try and make them bigger! You should get the minima lefty stretch layout cuz that way u can use bigger pics. ??? eh just a suggestion.

Em said...

I love your doc's....argh I need a pair!! Just for my own sanity hahaha


Soren Lorensen said...

the jumping looks like running...and the running works

it all works...wahhoooooo!!

Andie said...

awesome shoot!
wouldve been really cool if you actually caught him jumping though, ah well

Amelia said...

I love tall grass! Very nice.

indigotangerine said...

there are no fields where i live, it's quite sad. your cage vest looks really cool. can we see a close up?


love The Photographs..
They're really something !

-Eva xxx