Continuing with Homecoming Week, we had Hawaiian Day. Due to the weather of 55 degrees (freezing on a Floridian's standards) not many of them went all out. But of course some participated and looked ridiculously tawdry.
This one reminds of a 2nd grader being dressed by his mom to go out for his first birthday party or something, but he begged for a picture (really)
Don't wear you dad's clothes in a way he would.
Tacky and unimaginative, and it was kind of 60 degrees...
Now back to something aesthetically pleasing, today I wasn't feeling too inspired, (though I did get the usual stares.) In a way this is my interpertation of the Hawiian outfit. Well, when I think Hawii I think FLOWERS! and as you can see I'm wearing a floral printed shirt. Wow, I can't help reminding myself of Kenely from Project Runway... "What are you talking about? This is totally hip-hop."What I wore: Floral printed ruffly shirt from Forever 21, DKNY dark wash jeans, hot topic suspenders, and my sister's bowtie from her theater days.
Wow, that bow tie is awesome. Maybe people were staring because they were in awe of you coolness.
Continuing with Homecoming Week, we had Hawaiian Day. Due to the weather of 55 degrees (freezing on a Floridian's standards), not many of them went all out. But of course, some participated and looked ridiculously tawdry.
This one reminds of a 2nd grader being dressed by his mom to go out for his first birthday party or something, but he begged for a picture (really).
Don't wear you dad's clothes in a way he would.
Tacky and unimaginative, and it was kind of 60 degrees...
Now back to something aesthetically pleasing: today, I wasn't feeling too inspired (though I did get the usual stares). In a way, this is my interpretation of the Hawaiian outfit. Well, when I think Hawaii I think, “FLOWERS!” and as you can see, I'm wearing a floral printed shirt. Wow, I can't help reminding myself of Kenely, from Project Runway(Titles are either underlines or italicized)... "What are you talking about? This is totally hip-hop."
What I wore: Floral printed ruffly (Not a real word, but because of creative license, I’ll leave it as it is.) shirt from Forever 21, DKNY dark wash jeans, Hot Topic suspenders, and my sister’s bowtie from her theater days.
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