Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm not usually forgetful

It's Renata, and today was say no to drugs day, and people were supposed to wear red. You guys are not going to going to believe this... Today at school I was looking around for today's tacky list, as usual, and I found my first contestant, She was wearing baggy red sweatpants, a red tank top, red shoes, some red antenna things and a red boa!!! I mean this whole red thing could have looked cool like the one on But god she looked as if she wanted to look bad and I would have posted a picture of the atrocity but when I was trying to take a picture of her I realize I didn't put back the battery in my camera! So you're going to have to imagine what it looked like.

As for my outfit today, again it was cold, and I don't really have much winter clothing so I'm glad the cold front will be over tomorrow.
What I wore: Long-sleeved shirt from GAP, American Apperal skirt, C&A belt, white lace tights from Payless, and traditional keffieya given to my dad as a gift from when he lived in Egypt.(isn't that random)


Anonymous said...

Grammar Lady says:

It's Renata, and today was Say ‘No’ to Drugs Day, and people were supposed to wear red. You guys are not going to believe this… today at school I was looking around for today's tacky list, as usual, and I found my first contestant: she was wearing baggy, red sweatpants, a red tank top, red shoes, some red antenna things, and a red boa!!! I mean, this whole red thing could have looked cool, like the one on, but God, she looked as if she wanted to look bad, and I would have posted a picture of the atrocity, but when I was trying to take a picture of her, I realize I didn't put back the battery in my camera! So you're going to have to imagine what it looked like.

As for my outfit today: again it was cold, and I don't really have much winter clothing, so I'm glad the cold front will be over tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.... Grammar Lady. Well I'm the only one of the three that attempts good grammar, but I would rather you not point out all our mistakes. This is a blog, not a magazine article. I will try to have them use better grammar next time, but please, cut us some slack.