Monday, December 1, 2008

Life is full of surprises

Today Ava and I were uberly surprised to find excessively well-dressed girl (below). Our first thoughts when we encountered her were "We must befriend this child. How is it we have not discovered her before?? How can we approach without appearing stalker-esque... Whatever we'll settle with her picture for our blog (which she so graciously allowed)."
Random fashionable girl from our school
Other than our fashionable find today nothing spectacular occurred. My oxfords did cause some controversy but that isn't exactly unusual.
What I wore: Shirt from Forever 21, skirt from American Apparel, white tights from target, hair clip lost in my hair from Sally's, and belt from Forever 21.


Rosé Magritte said...

Absolutely stunning.

Malena said...

I love your belt, it really looks great with the high waisted look
And that girl looks supeerr cool

Amelia said...

That girl looks awesome. Great street style pic.

Maz said...

yeah, her blazer is stealable!
hey, GUESS WHAT?! I just tagged you with an I Love Your Blog award! Congrats :P

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That girl looks so chic! How old is she?

Anonymous said...

HAHA she has my same blazer. we didnt say that tho because i hate it when other people have my clothes.

Anonymous said...

Today AVA AND I were uberly surprised to find AN excessively well-dressed girl (below). Our first thoughts when we encountered her were, "We must befriend this child. How is it we have not discovered her before?? How CAN WE approach without appearing STALKER-esque... Whatever, we'll settle with her picture for our blog (which she so graciously allowed)."

Other THAN our fashionable find, today nothing spectacular occurred. My Oxfords did cause some controversy, but that isn't exactly unusual.

In-tree-gue said...

Haha we've missed you GrammarLady, and we're not sure how old she is somewhere between 14-18