Saturday, November 1, 2008


I love Halloween, I mean what other day can you dress up and go to school without anyone questioning your judgment? It is the funniest thing to look around when people are taking a test (all in costume) and see them all concentrated. I find it hard to take it in at the same time. I took pictures of the most... "elaborate" costumes.
Yes that is a guy

This was the end of mine and Ava's Homecoming Week we won't be posting too many more pictures of tacky people but instead things we actually like. I couldn't take any pictures during the actual trick-or treating proceedings ( which were rather successful) so you won't be able to see mt friends amazing jester costume. Oh, and my costume, I apologize for my tackiness, but I think that because I made my costume it compromises it. Oh, yesterday I went to volunteer in a middle school, and whenever I would go into a classroom it would follow with hushed laughter by little people that thought they're cool. But in my school since people were supposed to dress up no one said anything.

What I wore: White dress I made, Tulle skirt I made, Sparkly belts (I'd never wear unless it was Halloween), wings from Party city, Antennas from Party City, H&M leggings.


Anonymous said...

Grammar Lady says:

"I love Halloween. I mean, what other day can you dress up and go to school without anyone questioning your judgment? It is the funniest thing to look around when people are taking a test (all in costume) and see them all concentrated. I find it hard to take it in at the same time. I took pictures of the most... "elaborate" costumes.

Yes, that is a guy.

This was the end of mine and Ava's Homecoming Week we won't be posting too many more pictures of tacky people, but instead, things we actually like. Oh, and my costume; I apologize for my tackiness, but I think that because I made my costume, it compromises it. Oh, yesterday I went to volunteer in a middle school, and whenever I would go into a classroom, it would follow with hushed laughter by little people that thought they're cool. But in my school, since people were supposed to dress up, no one said anything.

What I wore: White dress I made; Tull skirt I made; Sparkly belts (I'd never wear unless it was Halloween); wings from Party city; Antennas from Party City; H&M leggings."

WendyB said...

You look sweet.

Amelia said...

Super cute. I love the skirt.

Anonymous said...

I feel so left out. eveyone comments you. stop trying to be another me. lol. haha tonight was fun :D too bad u left early. lol ur dresses and bealys. every day.